Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Only Reason To Get Up At 6:30 a.m.....

Pancakes.  And I am not talking about the frozen ones that you put in the microwave, I'm talking about full on homemade Bisquick pancakes and bacon (specifically 3 strips of bacon, any more is just to much pig).  Homemade pancakes are really becoming somewhat of a Tuesday and Thursday morning ritual.  It started because I have to drive my mom to work on these days so I can use her car to go to class.  I used to get an egg mcmuffin from mickey d's last semester but that became to much of a hassle, and I don't have to pay my mom to cook.  The drama with mickey d's involved a lot of renovations to the restaurant which were really inconvenient and then I have to sit through school zone traffic, which is not fun at all.  So in come the pancakes!  I just love how one gets the crispy edges and the soft centers that come with the homemade feeling.  Slab a little butter and syrup on those fluffy disks and one has the perfect breakfast that will keep me satisfied until I get out of my first class!  It doesn't take that long to make, so I can still get in some shut eye before I have to leave.  I think the best thing to enjoy with the pancakes is about a half a glass of diet coke.  I know it is not the healthiest of drinks (people usually drink OJ or milk) but there is nothing as refreshing as the sweet taste of aspartame in the morning (except maybe the smell of napalm..lol)

Anyways, my day has started off great, I may still be tired, but I'm not hungry and thats more than Starvin' Marvin can say!

Peace & Love

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